Call for Abstract

2nd Annual Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology, will be organized around the theme “Novel Research in Diabetes & Endocrinology”

Diabetes 2021 is comprised of 8 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Diabetes 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Diabetes mellitus is caused when blood glucose is high; it is also called as blood sugar. Diabetes is a major health problem that is affecting contagious proportions predominantly.  Complications from Diabetes include damage to the eyes, kidney, nerve as well as stroke. Diabetes is standout the most difficult medical issue in the 21st century. In this session, we are focusing on the complications of Diabetes.

1. Skin conditions

2.  Eye damage (retinopathy).

3.  Nephropathy

4.  Alzheimer's disease

5.  Neuropathy

6.  Cardiovascular disease

7.  Type1 Diabetes

8.  Type2 Diabetes

Neuroendocrine problems can take on many forms in both women and men. Many cases, including catamenial epilepsy and PMS, involve emotional disorders related to a woman’s menstrual cycle and reproductive hormones. Other cases may be the result of problems with the adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary or other hormone-producing systems.Hormones are chemical messengers that transport signals around the body. Different hormones have different functions. Some stimulate growth, others change our mood, and still others regulate metabolism or even control the reproductive cycle. When hormone levels are abnormal, signs of abnormal behavior and illness will arise – e.g., epileptic seizuresdepressionweight gain.

  1. Behavioral neurology
  2. OB/GYN
  3. Psychiatry
  4. Endocrinology

Gestational Diabetes is a large global problem that can generate ineradicable health conditions for the mother and the child. Regardless of its contingency, numerous public still do not have the epidemiological instructions which manage them in acknowledging these conditions of Diabetes. As a result of knowledge on gestational diabetes, Diabetes and obesity are high in many countries. Globally one in five women who are in reproductive age have discomfort from Diabetes and one in six children are troubled by it.

1. Overview: Women health and Diabetes

2. Symptoms of Diabetes in women

3. Diabetes free pregnancies – Strategy

4. Postpartum Recommendations

Most of the people in the world still do not have a clear-cut idea about genetic Diabetes. It causes them to take pre-diabetic stages discourteous, leads to many complications. The genetic component which is provoking makes some people more exposed to Diabetic diseases.  There is another certain precedence which will bring the Diabetic conditions. This session on genetic Diabetes will include about the precautions and medications that we have to follow for the prevention of the genetic Diabetes.

1. Predictions and precautions

2. Factors triggering genetic diabetes

3. Genes and Family History

4. Complications of Genetic Diabetes


Humans balance constant blood glucose level by the hormones secreted by endocrine glands, all over life, even the absorption of glucose at various levels. The flow of hormones into the blood stimulates by normalizing the glucose content in the blood. In this session we discuss more on endocrinology. Endocrinology is a part of science and medicament managing the endocrine framework, its maladies and its particular discharges such as hormones, development advancement and danger.

1. Endocrine gland hyposecretion (leading to hormone deficiency)

2. Endocrine gland hypersecretion (leading to hormone excess)

3. Tumours (benign or malignant) of endocrine gland

4. Endocrine cancer


Paediatric endocrinology is field involving the care of endocrinology for children. The paediatric endocrinologists treat children with type1 and type2 growth disorders, pubertal abnormalities, obesity, differences of sex development, bone and mineral disturbances, hypoglycaemia, and other disorders relating to the adrenal, parathyroid, thyroid, and pituitary glands.

1. Immune influences on behaviour

2. Enlarged thyroid gland.

3. Endocrine activity in early-experience

4. Growth hormone

The thyroid is the most common issue in recent days, 12% of the people affected by the thyroid. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism.

Several different disorders can arise when your thyroid produces too much hormone (hyperthyroidism) or not enough (hypothyroidism). In this session creates awareness on the thyroid-related issues and types of thyroid.

1. Hypothyroidism in Newborn

2. Effect of Thyroidism on Unborn baby & Neonates

3. Paediatric Hypernatremia, Reynaud Phenomenon, Acute Anemia

4. Hashimoto’s & Postpartum Thyroiditis

5. Management of Hyper & Hypothyroidism during Pregnancy

6. Infertility, Miscarriage & Complications during Pregnancy & Childbirth Track


People with diabetes have more risk factors that are not all, forms of cancer. The relation between diabetesand cancer is complex. Diabetes doubles the risk of liver, endometrial cancer. It increases the risk of breast and bladder cancer by 20 to 50 percentages but it cuts the risks in men. This session address more questions about the combination of diabetes and cancer incidence.

1. cancer

2. Kidney cancer

3. Endometrial cancer

4. Insulin secretagogues